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Human Geography
Environment, Society, and Sustainability
SB - Coll of Soc & Behavioral Sci
The world is becoming more volatile and uncertain. Critical questions facing the world in the 21st century include food security, rapid population change, human disease, energy use/environmental pollution, continuing disparities between rich and poor regions, sustainable transportation/urban development, and geopolitical fragmentation. Human geography, as the study of the interrelationships between people, the places they inhabit and the spaces that comprise the global environments, provides a powerful lens for examining these critical issues. This course examines the relationships between humans and the Earth, including topics in environment and humanity, agriculture in a growing world, population dynamics, the geography of culture, cities and urbanization, patterns of economic development and geopolitical conflict.
Minimum Credits
Maximum Credits
Repeat for Credit
Course Attributes
GE - BF (Social/Behavioral Science Expl), SUST - SUST (Sustainability)
Semesters Typically Offered
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