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Microwave Engineering II

Electrical and Computer Engineering EN - J & M Price College of Eng.


Microwave Engineering II supports circuit and system design for high-frequency circuits. We will cover: 1) Nonlinear and active microwave devices including diodes, mixers, transistors, and negative differential resistance devices; 2) compressed Smith Chart; 3) balanced and double-balanced mixer design; 4) transistor amplifier theory and design for best gain, stability, and noise performance. The course will also go through 5) Oscillator theory and design using transistors, tunnel diodes, IMPATTs, and Gunn diodes; 6) PIN diode switching circuits and phase shifters; 7) Survey of design and performance of microwave systems and auxiliary components: antennas, signal modulation and multiplexing, transceiver and radar systems, signal-to-noise ratios, atmospheric effects, microwave heating, biological effects, and safety.

Minimum Credits


Maximum Credits


Repeat for Credit


Required Requisite(s):