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Antenna Theory and Design
Electrical and Computer Engineering
EN - J & M Price College of Eng.
General theory of conduction current antennas; linear antennas including dipoles and monopoles; antenna equivalent impedance; design of AM, FM, TV and shortwave broadcast antennas of one or more elements including ground and mutual impedance effects; matching techniques including lumped, shunt, and series elements, transmission lines and conjugate matching; receiving antennas; antennas used for mobile communication systems and their radiation characteristics; antenna arrays and their design; wave propagation including propagation via ionosphere or troposphere; loop antennas and Yagi-Uda arrays; antenna synthesis for specified radiation patterns. UHF and microwave antennas including corner reflector antennas, helical antennas, theory of aperture antennas including rectangular and circular apertures; broadband log-periodic antennas; microstrip antennas and phased arrays including applications for wireless communication systems; slot antennas, turnstile, horn and parabolic radiators; considerations for radar antennas and communication links. Antenna ranges and measurement techniques. Laboratory demonstrations of radiation patterns of portable wireless antennas with and without the model of the head. Visits to various antenna installations in the Salt Lake valley by groups of three students.
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