University Studies
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Program Contact Information
Phone: 801-585-6423
Program Description
The purpose of the Bachelor of University Studies (B.U.S.) degree option is to enable students, under the guidance of a faculty advisor, to design their own interdisciplinary majors by combining courses from several departments. The student/advisor team submits the proposed major to the University Studies Committee for approval.
Program Admissions Requirements
The major emphasis must be thematically cohesive as well as interdisciplinary. It may not resemble a combination of existing major and minor in any academic departments. Examples of major titles include Medical Illustration, Human Diversity, and Biopsychology.
Courses may be drawn from existing University courses that fulfill Bachelors degree requirements. Some courses may require special permission to enter.
The student's selection of a faculty advisor is subject to committee approval. The advisor should be a tenure-track professor with academic expertise in the student's major emphasis. The student will be coded for graduation in the academic college of this advisor, but is subject to no graduation requirements other than those of the B.U.S. Program.
The student must commit to completing at least 40 additional semester hours at the time the proposal is submitted. The student must also have a minimum GPA of 2.5.
Major Exploration Link