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Chemical Engineering

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Chemical Engineering Bachelor of Science

Program Contact Information

Professional Accreditation

The undergraduate program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, 415 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201; Phone: 410-347-7700.

Program Description

It is the versatility of chemical engineers that makes them attractive to so many industries and professions. The current state of the profession is being transformed by the needs of increasingly diverse industries. The companies that have recently hired our undergraduates make diverse products and provide a range of services: medical devices, cement, combustion engineering, energy engineering, semiconductors, personal care products, mineral processing, petroleum refining, oil services, energy production, water purification, environmental engineering, natural gas pipelines, and petrochemicals. A number of recent graduates have been admitted to graduate school, law school, and medical school.

The undergraduate program prepares students in fundamentals while providing exposure in diverse areas of chemical engineering. The core subjects in chemical engineering include fluid mechanics, heat transfer, chemical thermodynamics, reaction engineering, mass transfer, and separations. An Emphasis in Energy Engineering is available.

The Department has a strong record of involving students in research and cooperative education experiences. Roughly 80 % of our graduating seniors have had co-op or research experience and many have had both.

Approved Combined/Dual Degrees

BS/MS in Chemical Engineering

Program Admissions Requirements

Students with and without transfer credit, who are admitted to the U of U, will be admitted to Chemical Engineering with major status provided that they meet the requirements/pre-requisites for registering in CH EN 1703, Introduction to Chemical Engineering, as they appear in the current edition of the General Catalog.

Major Exploration Link