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Communication Doctor of Philosophy

Program Contact Information

Program Description

The Department of Communication’s nationally ranked graduate program is distinguished by its vibrant, prolific, nationally and internationally recognized faculty as well as a flexible but theoretically and methodologically grounded graduate curriculum that reflects our strengths within and across four areas of focus:

  • Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk (CommSHER)

  • Critical/Cultural Studies

  • Media, Journalism, and Technology

  • Rhetoric.

Graduate students are encouraged to take full advantage of of the range of expertise and specialization that the Department offers by designing, in consultation with their committees, programs of study that draw upon any or all of these four areas, ensuring a tailored graduate training and education experience. How to Apply

Program Admissions Requirements

  • Statement of your personal and professional goals (approximately 800 words).

  • Academic writing sample no longer than 25 pages (i.e. term paper, thesis chapter, creative writing sample, published newspaper articles). The sample can be composed of multiple pieces, but must still be under the 25 page limit.

  • IDEA Statement: a single-page statement that briefly explains how your educational, research, teaching, and/or other experiences and interests align with the department's Anti-Racism Code of Conduct and Anti-Racism Strategic Plan. More information and guidance can be found here.

  • A curriculum vita or short resume.

  • Unofficial transcripts of all previous college and university coursework.

    • If accepted to the program, you will need to provide official transcripts to admissions.

  • The names and email addresses of three people who will write recommendations.

    • They will receive and electronic prompt to go in and upload their letters of recommendation.