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Music Technology

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Music Undergraduate Certificate

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Program Description

Designed for students who are interested in using technology to record, notate, and make music. Competencies include basic computer competence and OS X (Apple) lab management, microphones, audio recording and editing techniques, word processing (as it applies to music), copyright law, notation programs, digital audio formats and quality audio, audiology and the nature of sound, multi-track studio recordings, mixing and digital signal processing (EQ, reverb, delays, stereo imaging), synthesis theory (concrète, sampling, filtering, FM/AM synthesis, physical models and additive synthesis), and computer assisted composition, including algorithmic composition and AI. 

Program Admissions Requirements

Auditions are required for this certificate.

Students must be admitted to the University of Utah before they can be accepted into the certificate.

The Music Technology Certificate is open to BA Music and Bachelor of Music majors only.