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Special Education

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Special Education Master of Education

Program Contact Information

Professional Accreditation

Professional accrediting body is CAEP

Program Description

The Master of Education (M.Ed.) Degree is considered to be a professional degree awarded to individuals who have successfully completed studies in the following domains: Graduate core, Teacher Licensure or Professional Practice course work, Advanced graduate studies, Students may choose the M.Ed. Degree with or without completing teacher licensure. The M.Ed. Degree focuses upon professional achievement and experience substantially beyond the Baccalaureate and basic teacher preparation program. The University of Utah describes the professional degree as follows: A minimum of thirty to thirty-five (30-35) semester hours planned and approved in advance by the student's Supervisory Committee, Sufficient flexibility to accommodate individual goals by allowing concentrations in either professional studies or supportive academic studies in other colleges, A required qualifying exam, No thesis requirement, A culminating clinical or professional experience to upgrade the professional competencies of the student, A required comprehensive written examination, The purpose of the Department of Special Education's M.Ed. program is to prepare students with the critical thinking skills and experiential base necessary to undertake professional positions in a variety of clinical, educational, and other related settings. Students are required to identify an interest in a specialization field. Mild/moderate disabilities, Severe disabilities, Early childhood special education, Early childhood visual impairment, Early childhood deaf and hard of hearing, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Visually impaired, Deafblind, BCBA,

Program Admissions Requirements

Program Fee
