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Special Education

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Special Education Doctor of Philosophy

Program Contact Information

Professional Accreditation

Professional accrediting body is CAEP

Program Description

The doctoral program in the Department of Special Education is structured to prepare leadership personnel for universities and human service agencies. The program of study encourages development of the ability to analyze and synthesize existing knowledge as a basis for the creation and dissemination of new information. Graduates, therefore, are individuals who can extend the field’s knowledge base, regardless of their professional role.

Students entering the program are expected to have a substantial knowledge base and background in the design and implementation of service programs for persons with disabilities. In cases where promising applicants are deemed not to have such background, they may still be accepted for doctoral studies. They will, however, be required to enroll in additional course work and/or field experiences that will facilitate the development of the necessary prerequisite skills. All students in this degree program are expected to successfully complete a written qualifying examination, and complete a research-based dissertation.

For more information on the Ph.D. program go to

Students are required to identify an interest in a specialization field.

Program Admissions Requirements

  • Application

  • GRE

  • Professional Resume

  • Professional position statement

  • Three letters of recommendations

  • Cover letter of intent to pursue doctoral study in SP ED

  • Written

  • Official undergraduate and graduate transcripts:

    • Undergraduate GPA: 3.00 or above is required.

    • Graduate GPA: 3.00 or above is required; 3.50 or above is recommended.

    • A master’s degree and a minimum of 2-3 years of certified classroom teaching or comparable applied experience with individual with disabilities is required for admission to the Ph.D. program.