World Languages and Cultures
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Program Contact Information
Phone: 801-581-7561
Program Description
Comparative Literature:
The PhD in Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies (CLCS) is characterized by its unique combination of depth and breadth - a combination that promotes innovative and illuminating intersections among diverse fields of study. All PhD students must choose a minimum of two language/culture areas beyond English. Students with a European emphasis typically choose literature, culture, and theory seminars from at least two of the Department’s graduate focus areas (Spanish, French, and German). Strong offerings in Middle Eastern languages and literatures form another critical cluster. In addition, qualified students may tailor individualized programs of study that draw on faculty expertise in areas ranging from Japanese and Chinese literature to Russian and the classics, among others. All CLCS PhD students additionally take theory and topic seminars taught in English that bring together overarching ideas from across the field. A heterogeneous approach to combining courses and topics is encouraged - an approach that continues in the student’s comprehensive examinations, independent research, and dissertation. For more information please visit the CLCS Ph.D. website.
The Spanish PhD program offers advanced study in the fields of Latin American and Peninsular literary and cultural studies. PhD students have the opportunity to work closely with the Spanish faculty, which is especially rich in the fields of U.S. Latino and Border Studies, Subaltern Studies (gender, indigenous, postcolonial) and Transatlantic Studies, as well as the genres of theatre, performance and poetry. Throughout the PhD program, students are mentored in establishing career goals and in networking with the wider research community in order to improve employability. Through rigorous coursework, students are taught to work both independently and co-operatively towards expressing original and critical ideas. PhD students also have the opportunity to work with the department’s many linguists for coursework in Second Language Acquisition (SLA). During the summer, doctoral candidates have an opportunity to teach not only basic language, but also upper-division courses. Students at all levels of Spanish graduate study are strongly encouraged to spend time abroad in a Spanish-speaking country. For more information please visit the Spanish Ph.D. website.
Program Admissions Requirements
Comparative Literature:
A University of Utah MA in CLCS or an equivalent degree from another University. In most cases, the candidate’s graduate and/or undergraduate transcripts must demonstrate substantial literary and theoretical course work in at least one of the language/literature areas emphasized by the University of Utah CLCS graduate program (French, German, Spanish). Significant deficiencies in this preparatory coursework (courses required for the University of Utah CLCS MA) must be made up before admission to PhD-student status. For minor deficiencies, admission is possible but make-up courses may be added as additional requirements to those outlined below. In compelling cases, students with a different entrance profile (e.g. MA-level training in areas other than French, German, and/or Spanish) may be considered for admission to the CLCS PhD Program providing that the student is sufficiently trained in general literary theory and criticism and that her/his areas of interest can be accommodated by faculty within the Department of World Languages and Cultures.
Successful completion of the department’s Spanish M.A., or an equivalent degree from another university is required. Significant deficiencies in this preparatory coursework must be made up before admission into PhD status; for minor deficiencies, admission is possible, but make-up courses may be added as additional requirements to those outlined below.